Junction Box for Ex Areas
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Junction Box for Ex Areas
industrial plant

Heat Trace and

Industrial Heating



Electrical Heat Trace cables

& Industrial Heating Solutions with Temperature Controls


Heating Elements for Industrial Applications

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Pulp & Paper Manufacturing

Pulp & Paper and Packaging manufacturers often use glue that is stored in IBC/tote tank containers. FLUXO's tank heaters can help maintain the proper glue temperature so it can be effectively used. Condensation is a concern during production because it can negatively affect many stages of the production process. Self-regulating heating cable is used to heat pipe lines (such as fire suppression water lines) to prevent condensation. Additionally, for many of these facilities, freeze protection is also a concern. FLUXO’ s self-regulating heating cable or constant wattage heating tapes prevent it from freezing.
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Water Treatment

Pulp & Paper and Packaging manufacturers often use glue that is stored in IBC/tote tank containers. FLUXO's tank heaters can help maintain the proper glue temperature so it can be effectively used. Condensation is a concern during production because it can negatively affect many stages of the production process. Self-regulating heating cable is used to heat pipe lines (such as fire suppression water lines) to prevent condensation. Additionally, for many of these facilities, freeze protection is also a concern. FLUXO’ s self-regulating heating cable or constant wattage heating tapes prevent it from freezing.
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Food Processing

Pulp & Paper and Packaging manufacturers often use glue that is stored in IBC/tote tank containers. FLUXO's tank heaters can help maintain the proper glue temperature so it can be effectively used. Condensation is a concern during production because it can negatively affect many stages of the production process. Self-regulating heating cable is used to heat pipe lines (such as fire suppression water lines) to prevent condensation. Additionally, for many of these facilities, freeze protection is also a concern. FLUXO’ s self-regulating heating cable or constant wattage heating tapes prevent it from freezing.
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General Manufacturing

Pulp & Paper and Packaging manufacturers often use glue that is stored in IBC/tote tank containers. FLUXO's tank heaters can help maintain the proper glue temperature so it can be effectively used. Condensation is a concern during production because it can negatively affect many stages of the production process. Self-regulating heating cable is used to heat pipe lines (such as fire suppression water lines) to prevent condensation. Additionally, for many of these facilities, freeze protection is also a concern. FLUXO’ s self-regulating heating cable or constant wattage heating tapes prevent it from freezing.
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Oil & Gas

Pulp & Paper and Packaging manufacturers often use glue that is stored in IBC/tote tank containers. FLUXO's tank heaters can help maintain the proper glue temperature so it can be effectively used. Condensation is a concern during production because it can negatively affect many stages of the production process. Self-regulating heating cable is used to heat pipe lines (such as fire suppression water lines) to prevent condensation. Additionally, for many of these facilities, freeze protection is also a concern. FLUXO’ s self-regulating heating cable or constant wattage heating tapes prevent it from freezing.
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Power Generation

Pulp & Paper and Packaging manufacturers often use glue that is stored in IBC/tote tank containers. FLUXO's tank heaters can help maintain the proper glue temperature so it can be effectively used. Condensation is a concern during production because it can negatively affect many stages of the production process. Self-regulating heating cable is used to heat pipe lines (such as fire suppression water lines) to prevent condensation. Additionally, for many of these facilities, freeze protection is also a concern. FLUXO’ s self-regulating heating cable or constant wattage heating tapes prevent it from freezing.
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Petro/Chemical Processing

Pulp & Paper and Packaging manufacturers often use glue that is stored in IBC/tote tank containers. FLUXO's tank heaters can help maintain the proper glue temperature so it can be effectively used. Condensation is a concern during production because it can negatively affect many stages of the production process. Self-regulating heating cable is used to heat pipe lines (such as fire suppression water lines) to prevent condensation. Additionally, for many of these facilities, freeze protection is also a concern. FLUXO’ s self-regulating heating cable or constant wattage heating tapes prevent it from freezing.
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Asphalt/Bitumen Processing

Pulp & Paper and Packaging manufacturers often use glue that is stored in IBC/tote tank containers. FLUXO's tank heaters can help maintain the proper glue temperature so it can be effectively used. Condensation is a concern during production because it can negatively affect many stages of the production process. Self-regulating heating cable is used to heat pipe lines (such as fire suppression water lines) to prevent condensation. Additionally, for many of these facilities, freeze protection is also a concern. FLUXO’ s self-regulating heating cable or constant wattage heating tapes prevent it from freezing.


FLUXO HEAT offers the complete heat engineering service.

Our services include consultancy, system design and manufacture, temperature controls, industrial heaters, installation and commissioning, project management, system maintenance and personnel training.

Heat Tracing

Fluxo (Pty) Ltd

Fluxo (Pty) Ltd is an independent company specialising in industrial electric heating solutions. We serve the South African and Sub-Saharan region.

We understand that every customer has unique needs in their processes, so we work closely with our clients to provide a turnkey solution that suits their specifications.

We are the sole representative for Heat Trace Limited, leading manufacturers of industrial electric heat tracing cable.

Industrial Heat Tracing

Heat Tracing (or Trace Heating, or Surface Heating) is the method of applying heat to a body, or to a product (liquid, powder, or gas) contained within a system (pipework, vessel or equipment) for storage or transportation, in order to avoid processing problems or difficulties.
Heat may be applied, for example, to:
  • to prevent freezing
  • to enable pumping by reducing the viscosity of the liquid
  • to eliminate condensation from the walls of equipment that could result in ‘clogging’ of the product
  • to prevent hydration due to a drop in gas pressure across pipework fittings such as valves
An electric heat tracing system often comprises:
  • heating cable(s) together with termination components
  • ancillary items such as junction boxes and fixing materials
  • temperature control devices (sometimes / optional)
  • monitoring / alarm facilities (sometimes / optional)
  • power distribution / circuit protection facilities


Check our projects gallery for examples of our installations and see the different industrial clients we service.
Our primary product capabilities:
  • Self-regulating, constant wattage and MI heat trace cable, suitable for hazardous areas
  • Ceramic withdrawable heating elements
  • Temperature Sensors for Hazardous areas
  • In-line (Circulation) Heaters & Air Duct Heaters
  • Control panels with digital temperature control over temperature protection & thyristor control
  • Flange Heaters
  • Enclosures for hazardous areas; Ex e, Ex d and other certified equipment
  • Loadcells, Transmitter Indicators and Weighing Equipment
  • Insulation & Lagging for pipe and vessel works

Heat Tracing

Fluxo (Pty) Ltd

Fluxo (Pty) Ltd is an independent company specialising in industrial electric heating solutions. We serve the South African and Sub-Saharan region.

We understand that every customer has unique needs in their processes, so we work closely with our clients to provide a turnkey solution that suits their specifications.

We are the sole representative for Heat Trace Limited, leading manufacturers of industrial electric heat tracing cable.

Industrial Heat Tracing

Heat Tracing (or Trace Heating, or Surface Heating) is the method of applying heat to a body, or to a product (liquid, powder, or gas) contained within a system (pipework, vessel or equipment) for storage or transportation, in order to avoid processing problems or difficulties.
Heat may be applied, for example, to:
  • to prevent freezing
  • to enable pumping by reducing the viscosity of the liquid
  • to eliminate condensation from the walls of equipment that could result in ‘clogging’ of the product
  • to prevent hydration due to a drop in gas pressure across pipework fittings such as valves
An electric heat tracing system often comprises:
  • heating cable(s) together with termination components
  • ancillary items such as junction boxes and fixing materials
  • temperature control devices (sometimes / optional)
  • monitoring / alarm facilities (sometimes / optional)
  • power distribution / circuit protection facilities


Check our projects gallery for examples of our installations and see the different industrial clients we service.
Our primary product capabilities:
  • Self-regulating, constant wattage and MI heat trace cable, suitable for hazardous areas
  • Ceramic withdrawable heating elements
  • Temperature Sensors for Hazardous areas
  • In-line (Circulation) Heaters & Air Duct Heaters
  • Control panels with digital temperature control over temperature protection & thyristor control
  • Flange Heaters
  • Enclosures for hazardous areas; Ex e, Ex d and other certified equipment
  • Loadcells, Transmitter Indicators and Weighing Equipment
  • Insulation & Lagging for pipe and vessel works


FLUXO HEAT offers the complete heat engineering service.

Our services include consultancy, system design, temperature controls, industrial heaters, installation and commissioning, project management, system maintenance and personnel training.


FLUXO HEAT offers the complete heat engineering service.

Our services include consultancy, system design and manufacture, temperature controls, industrial heaters, installation and commissioning, project management, system maintenance and personnel training.


FLUXO HEAT offers the complete heat engineering service.

Our services include consultancy, system design and manufacture, temperature controls, industrial heaters, installation and commissioning, project management, system maintenance and personnel training.

Heating Elements for
Industrial Applications


FLUXO HEAT offers the complete
heat engineering service

FLUXO HEAT offers the complete heat engineering service.

Heat Trace
Industrial Heaters


We will calculate, design, document and manufacture a complete thermal system with heater, temperature sensor, temperature controller and SCR power switches.
Heat Trace
Industrial Heaters


We will calculate, design, document and manufacture a complete thermal system with heater, temperature sensor, temperature controller and SCR power switches.
Heat Trace
Industrial Heaters

Product Sales

We will calculate, design, document and manufacture a complete thermal system with heater, temperature sensor, temperature controller and SCR power switches.
Heat Trace
Industrial Heaters


We will calculate, design, document and manufacture a complete thermal system with heater, temperature sensor, temperature controller and SCR power switches. We will calculate, design, document and manufacture a complete thermal system with heater, temperature sensor, temperature controller and SCR power switches.


FLUXO HEAT use the most technically advanced products for Heat Tracing and Industrial Heaters


FLUXO HEAT uses the most technically advanced products for Heat Tracing and Industrial Heaters

Heat Trace

Electric Heat Tracing is the application of electric heating cable to pipes and tanks to compensate for heat losses through insulation. We supply and install a variety of heat trace cables and accessories.

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Industrial Heaters

Industrial heaters are used in a variety of processes where the temperature of an object or process needs to be increased. We design, supply and install a wide range of industrial electric heaters and controls, all to custom spec.

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